KrizPro Module
- Credit Monitoring Score and causes, Commercial Credit Notice data, check index and credit grades, summary of one-click data.
- Summary and rates for the last period of the Risk codes and RM Credit Limit Credit Risk (KLKR) of the bank, diagrams, periodic details.
- In case if a company becomes a group: limit of the group, risk, warrant and risk codes as consolidated data, partnership structures.
To make the intelligence process more efficient
Evaluating risks, making rational risk measurement and analysis
All data on one screen

- Changes of the copmany’s RM within the last month, last year, recognition, follow-up, rediscount data and usage of factoring.
- Summary and details of cash, non-cash credit, delays, account freeze, overdue, next term details, deposit accounts.
- Summary and details of delay payments, return rates of the checks given to delay payment

- Delay payments, Indemnity and commissions
- Payment hours for checks of our clearing bank, data about returned checks as an incorrect operation
- Data about uncovered bank and RM checks; checks drawn by our bank to the customers
- Differences, ( with statistics of closed differences), electronic debt inquiry system (E-Haciz), Revenue Administration (GIB)/Social Security (SGK), Credit Notification, main data of the balance sheet