Check Intelligence Module
Intelligence of checks accepted or going to be accepted for the warrant in scope of criteria determined by the Credit Granting Department is provided by the system.
Checks required to be accepted for the warrant can be processed in two different ways by entering to the banking system or without entering to it by creating an excel file.
To make the intelligence process more efficient
Evaluating risks, making rational risk measurement and analysis
All data on one screen
Intelligence Performed Over Excel File Without Entering Banking System
- Checks received or not received from the Customer without being accepted for the Operation, checks acceptable for the warrant, will be detected.
- Tax ID and amount data of drawee relating to the check can be transferred to the application as a file in excel format or this structure, whereby the operation will be performed by the Check Intelligence Module.
- Checks seized according to the intelligence criteria will be reported together with the query result.
- Checks not proper for warrant may be returned to the customer without entering to the system as the cash check would be entered to the banking system.
Intelligence Committed After Entering Checks to the Banking System
- After checks are entered to the system by the Cash Flow Management Operation Agency (NYOB), the system activates a query.
- Results of queries made when entering the checks and before noon can be monitored by logging in to the banking system on the basis of date, brunch and customer
- Departments related to the brunch are notified via E-mail.
- Checks seized according to the criteria in the result of query will be collected by the Cash Flow Management Operation Agency.
- If checks seized according to the criteria can be found acceptable by the Credit Granting Department, the application will forward them to the Credit Granting Agency.
- Departments related to the brunch are notified via E-mail about transfer to acceptance and Confirmation/Rejection.
- Collected checks, if there is deficit of warrant or if check is a discount check, disparity will be entered by the Credit Operations Department.
- Checks acceptable for warrant will be processed by the Cash Flow Management Operation Agency.